Note: Text typed by Catherine Thompson from handwritten copy by Russell Roy
Copy of letter dated 28 Feb 1907 from Jacob Roy (son of Joseph Roy and Amanda)
to Laura V. Roy (his daughter-in-law, widow of Jacob’s son Isaac)
(1st page)
FEBRY 28 1907
Dear Daugter in Law
Your allways welcome letter at hand
to day. Was truley glad to hear that you
(illegible line in fold of letter)
as a generable thing is better then it has
bin all tho helth is not very good yet
tha hasant bin any deaths here for a while. This
month has bin very disagreeable
weather tha has bin so much rain
one morning the thermometer stood at
12 below zero. The deepest snow we had
here was 6 inches but it soon went
off but tha is lots of snow in the
mountains. The wind blows the snow
(2nd page)
off as fast as it fawls it is fearfull
windy here. I got a
letter from Wash.
Bonner yesterday. Dated the 18 inst
he said the snow was 2 foot deep whare
he lived. At Wersse (Werppe) 4 foot deep in (Weippe, Idaho)
Pierce Cty 6 feet deep the said the had
old time winter in Idaho. Mag is on the
mend slowley I think she would pull
through if she would take cear of her
self but that she won’t do. I tuck the
grip 3 weaks a go & to day I dont feel
any better then the first week I tuck it.
I went down to Albert (Roy) last Monday
walked back Wednesday I stayed 1 night
with him then come to Yager Roys. Got diner
& his oldest boy had typhoid fever
& I stayed all night there the child was
some better when I left then I tuck train come up
(3rd page)
I did not call it come home I don’t call
that. I have bin worse ever since
I had a sore on my leg & it paines me
terable I have to lay my leg up on a chear
while I rite. You wanted to now how I
liked it in Lane Ville I can answer that
I don’t like it for nothing & I wont stay here
longer than the weather breaks than (then?)
I will leave. Hayes Roy lives close by us
tha are tolerable well he works on the
mill. Albert
& family is well. S.M. Roy
& family is well. Albert weight 1.80 lbs
Semor 1.75 & my weight 1.20 lite weight
Tha is 3 of brother Saul family lives
In Lane Ville Jhon Roy & his 2 children
Jake Roy his family Martha Waldron
& her first man died then she maryed
James Kaid tha have 3 children tha are bad off.
(4th page)
I was sick all night slep none with
My head & breast & it hurt me all over
I just got up but could not eat any
diner. The diet don’t suit me. The
Saints has been holden a big meeting
at Dry Fork. Got 10 converts but none
saved as yet. It is Rev. Cooffman &
Rev Macknanis… [note small section
of letter omitted here…personal and
not relevant]
(top margin, written sideways)
I will have to
close by asking you
to excus short letter
I am feeling bad to day
but I am thankfull
to God that it is no
worse then it is.
I send my love
& best respects
to you all
From Jacob Roy
March 1 Nice & Pretty
Hand copied by Russell A. Roy – g-g-grandson of
Jacob Roy. Anything in parenthesis are my notes.
Page notations in left margin are mine.
I thought the double P in Weippe (page 2 of letter)
was old style double S. Any spelling mistakes
were Jacob’s 12-6-92
Notes initialed WR by William Roy, Russell’s father -
Notes by Catherine Thompson:
Jacob (almost age 75 at the time of this letter) is the author.
(Jacob Roy, son of Joseph (2) Roy and Amanda – Jacob died Aug. 1907 )
Laura (age 39 at the time of this letter) is Jacob’s daughter-in-law)
(Laura Virginia Hanger married Isaac William Roy, son of Jacob - Isaac died in 1897 of TB).
Washington Bonner (age 40 at the time of this letter) is Jacob’s nephew
(Archibald Bonner married Elizabeth “Eliza” Roy, Jacob’s sister)
Mag (age 59-62 at the time of this letter) is Jacob’s 2nd wife Margaret
(She was previously married to Jacob’s nephew, Joseph Roy –
1900 census info shows Jacob married to Margaret (b. 1845),
that she had 10 children/7 living, and they had been married 8 years)
Albert Roy (age 36 at the time of this letter) is Jacob’s son
Yager Roy (age 23 at the time of this letter) is Jacob’s grandson
Jacob mentions Yager’s oldest boy had typhoid fever when he visited them.
(Yager Roy, son of Martin Luther Roy, son of Jacob Roy)
Hayes Roy (age 29 at the time of this letter) is Jacob’s grandson
(Hayes Roy, son of Victoria Palmyra Roy & Benjamin F. “Franklin” Roy)
Albert is Jacob’s son (age 36 at the time of this letter)
Semore is Jacob’s son (age 39 at the time of this letter)
Saul refers to Jacob’s brother, Solomon. Jacob mentions Saul’s 3 children living in the Lane Ville area.
(Probably died before this, or he would have been 87, and Jacob would have mentioned him?)
John Roy (age 60 at the time of this letter) is Jacob’s nephew. Jacob mentions John has 2 children.
(John Roy, son of Solomon Roy, brother of Jacob – John m. Cora Buckbee in 1893 and they had 2 girls who would have been about 13 and 12 at the time of this letter)
Jake Roy (age 53 at the time of this letter) is Jacob’s nephew. Jacob mentions Jake’s family.
(Jacob “Jake” Roy, son of Solomon Roy, brother of Jacob)
Martha Waldron (age 49 at the time of this letter) is Jacob’s niece. Jacob mentions Martha’s 2 marriages and 3 children.
(Martha Roy, dau. of Solomon Roy, brother of Jacob – Martha married 1) Sampson Waldron – Martha married 2) James Kaid).