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25 Sep 1787 Grant - Joseph Roy grantee, Hampshire Co., VA

153 acres on the waters of the north fork of the south branch opposite the mouth of Senneca and in Paul Teatons (*Teeters?) Gap . . .

Source: Grants No. 16.  Recorded survey available N.N. Surveys 20, p 43-44  Note Part of the index to recorded copies of land grants issued by the agents of the Fairfax Proprietary between 1690 and 1781 and by the Commonwealth between 1786 and 1874.

(Land Office Treasury Warrant #8,296 issued 1 Apr 1782 - Joseph Roy assignee of George Harness, 153 acres by survey dated 28 Jan 1786)



25 Sep 1787 Grant - Joseph Roy grantee, Hampshire County

120 acres on the waters of the north fork of the south branch opposite to the mouth of Sinneca in Harpers Gap . . . 

Source Land Office Grants No. 7, 1786-1787 p 634-636 (reel 73).

(Land Office Treasury Warrant #8,296 issued 1 Apr 1782 - Joseph Roy assignee of George Harness, 120 acres by survey dated 28 Jan 1786)



2 Jun 1792 Grant - Joseph Roy grantee, Randolph County

110 acres on the west side of the Rich Mountain and on the waters of the Laurel fork of Cheat River . . . 

Source Land Office Grants No. 26, 1792, p 575 (reel 92)

(Land Office Treasury Warrant #6,919? issued 6 Feb 1785 - Joseph Roy assignee of Samuel Musick? Marsh?, 110 acres by survey dated 4 Aug 1790)



2 Jun 1792 Grant - Joseph Roy grantee, Pendleton County

31 acres on the east side of the north fork of the south branch of the Potomack opposite Abraham Teter's land above the mouth of Seneca Creek . . . 

Source: Land Office Grants No. 26, 1792, p 576 (reel 92)

(Land Office Treasury Warrant #9,409 issued 27 Nov 1781 - Joseph Roy (no assignment mentioned), 31 acres by survey dated 11 Feb 1789)



14 Jun 1792 Grant - Joseph Roy grantee, Pendleton County

222 acres on the east side of the north fork of the south branch of the Potomack on the waters of Harper Gap between the land of Joseph Roy and Peter Shall . . . 

Source Land Office Grants No. 26, 1792, p 574 (reel 92)

(Know ye that in consideration of the ancient composition of 1 pound 5 shillings sterling paid by Joseph Roy into the Treasury of this Commonwealth, there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said Joseph Roy, assignee of John Stellar(?) a certain tract or parcel of land containing 222 acres by survey bearing the date 11 Feb 1789, lying and being in the county of Pendleton on the east side of the north fork of the south branch of the Potomack on the waters of Harpers Gap between the land of Joseph Roy and Peter Shall and bounded as followeth....)

(This is old Roy home place) 

(Directions - base of Seneca rocks, 3-way intersection...1/4 mi. from rest. Roy's Gap Road, runs right beside Seneca Rocks.)



16 Mar 1798 Grant - Joseph Roy grantee, Pendleton County

35 acres on the east side of the north fork and adjoining his former lands at Leading Ridge in the hills . . . 

Source Land Office Grants No. 38, 1797-1799 p 123 (reel 104)

(Land Office Treasury Warrant #12,370 issued 19 Jun 1782 by survey dated 6 Jun 1795)



13 Apr 1798 Grant - Joseph Roy grantee, Pendleton County

80 acres on the east side of the north fork of the south branch of Potomack and adjoining his former land in the hills . . . 

Source Land Office Grants No. 38, 1797-1799, p 159 (reel 104).

(Land Office Treasury Warrant #12,770 issued 19 Jun 1782, 80 acres by survey dated 6 Jun 1795)